Leave of Absence & Accommodations
Leave of Absence: Athletico’s leave of absence programs are administered by ADP Total Absence Management (TAM). To request a leave of absence, please contact ADP TAM at (844) 692-8426 or submit your claim online via myADP. If you need additional assistance with navigating the leave of absence process, please contact the Athletico Leave Department at Leaves@Athletico.com.
Reasonable Accommodations (ADA): If you are in need of a reasonable accommodation to assist you with performing the essential functions of your job due to a temporary or permanent disability, please contact the Athletico Leave Department at Leaves@Athletico.com. Select the ‘Employee Resources’ button below to access the Reasonable Accommodation FAQ & Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.
Workers Compensation: If you sustain an injury or illness at work, please notify your manager immediately and complete the ‘Workers Comp Intake Form’ available under the ‘Employee Resources’ page. Please submit completed intake forms to compliance@athletico.com. If you will require time off work due to your injury / illness, please also notify Leaves@Athletico.com to open a medical leave.
To access the ADP Total Absence Management (TAM) employee portal, please visit myADP.com or access the single sign on link via the Athletico SharePoint Portal.
Employees: Select the “Leave of Absence Request/Review” hyperlink under the Company Links tile.
Managers: Select the “ADP TAM Manager Access” hyperlink under the Company Links tile.
Please note, if you are accessing myADP.com outside of the Athletico Portal single sign on, you will need to log in using your ADP-specific credentials. If you are accessing myADP.com for the first time, you will need to register. Select "New User" and register using the Registration Code: Athletico-register